
ベスプレ画面 ゲーム




一生遊べる野球ゲーム 【ベストプレープロ野球】




この記事で紹介する ツールのダウンロードはこちらから

前 回 まで


・リーグ運営の設定表作成(選手の能力・成長 決定)



・メインモジュール  プログラム Test・
・共通モジュール  プログラム Saikoro・Get_Name・Get_SeityoType・Get_Nouryoku
・野手編モジュール  プログラム 野手作成・Get_Daseki・Get_Type・Get_Sinrai・Get_KillLeft・Get_Daritu


前回で16歳時の (高校入学~1年生) 野手の能力を決定しましたので




今回作成するプログラム 野手成長 では、能力変動と年齢加算と引退なども考慮して作成していきます。



1・2軍⇒18 + (Saikoro(17)) + 1 20歳~36歳まで

外人⇒25 + (Saikoro(9)) + 1 27歳~35歳まで

若手(新人)⇒18 + ((Saikoro(4) * 2) – 2) + 1 19歳~25歳まで



実年齢 の行の下が 設定年齢です。


また野手のタイプ P⇒S S⇒P は100面体で 33か77がでれば変わります。



Public Function 野手成長(SName As String)

Dim Low As Byte ‘行
Dim Col As Byte ‘列
Dim i As Byte ‘ショートループ
Dim j As Byte ‘年齢ループ
Dim k As Byte ‘選手数ループ
Dim L As Byte ‘設定年齢と実年齢の年数差
Dim ID As Integer ‘名前ID番号

Dim Nenrei As Byte ‘現在の年齢
Dim SetteiNenrei As Byte ‘設定年齢
Dim Nenreisa As Byte ’15歳から現在までの経過年数
Dim BStyle As String ‘打者タイプ

Dim Kokoro(1) As String ‘心の(0)成長タイプ:(1)成長モード
Dim Waza(1) As String ‘技の(0)成長タイプ:(1)成長モード
Dim Karada(1) As String ‘体の(0)成長タイプ:(1)成長モード
Dim Avipoint As Byte ‘特徴ポイント(確率補正)

Dim IntNoryoku As Integer ‘能力指数
Dim MaxNoryoku As Byte ‘最大能力値
Dim MaxIti As Byte ‘最大能力位置
Dim GetFrg As Boolean ‘サブポジション獲得:引退フラグ

Dim ch As Byte ‘クリティカル判定と確率ループに使用

On Error GoTo err

Low = 0

For k = 1 To 44
Low = Low + 3
Col = 2
MaxNoryoku = 0
GetFrg = False

Cells(Low – 1, 1).Select
Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 0

If Cells(Low – 1, Col) > 1 Then

Nenrei = Cells(Low – 1, Col)
SetteiNenrei = Cells(Low, Col)

Kokoro(0) = Cells(Low – 1, Col + 1)
Waza(0) = Cells(Low – 1, Col + 2)
Karada(0) = Cells(Low – 1, Col + 3)

L = SetteiNenrei – Nenrei

For j = 1 To L
Col = 2

ch = Saikoro
If ch = 33 Or ch = 77 Then
If Cells(Low – 1, Col + 5) = “P” Then
Cells(Low – 1, Col + 5) = “S”
ch = Saikoro
If ch <= 70 And _
Cells(Low, Col + 17) <= 235 And _
Cells(Low, Col + 14) <= 245 Then

Cells(Low, Col + 17) = Cells(Low, Col + 17) + 13
Cells(Low, Col + 14) = Cells(Low, Col + 14) + 7
If Cells(Low, Col + 18) >= 20 And _
Cells(Low, Col + 17) <= 225 And _
Cells(Low, Col + 14) <= 235 Then

Cells(Low, Col + 18) = Cells(Low, Col + 18) – 20
Cells(Low, Col + 17) = Cells(Low, Col + 17) + 26
Cells(Low, Col + 14) = Cells(Low, Col + 14) + 14
End If
End If
Cells(Low – 1, Col + 5) = “P”
ch = Saikoro(10)
If ch <= 70 And _
Cells(Low, Col + 17) <= 235 And _
Cells(Low, Col + 14) <= 245 Then

Cells(Low, Col + 18) = Cells(Low, Col + 18) + 13
Cells(Low, Col + 14) = Cells(Low, Col + 14) + 7
If Cells(Low, Col + 17) >= 20 And _
Cells(Low, Col + 18) <= 225 And _
Cells(Low, Col + 14) <= 235 Then

Cells(Low, Col + 17) = Cells(Low, Col + 17) – 20
Cells(Low, Col + 18) = Cells(Low, Col + 18) + 26
Cells(Low, Col + 14) = Cells(Low, Col + 14) + 14
End If
End If
End If
End If

BStyle = Cells(Low – 1, Col + 4) & Cells(Low – 1, Col + 5)

Nenrei = Cells(Low – 1, Col)
Nenreisa = Nenrei – 15 + 3
If Nenreisa >= 30 Then
Nenreisa = 29
End If

Select Case Kokoro(0)
Case “早熟”
Kokoro(1) = “I” & CStr(Nenreisa)
Case “普通”
Kokoro(1) = “L” & CStr(Nenreisa)
Case “晩成”
Kokoro(1) = “O” & CStr(Nenreisa)
Case “安定”
Kokoro(1) = “R” & CStr(Nenreisa)
Case Else
Kokoro(1) = “U” & CStr(Nenreisa)
End Select

Select Case Waza(0)
Case “早熟”
Waza(1) = “J” & CStr(Nenreisa)
Case “普通”
Waza(1) = “M” & CStr(Nenreisa)
Case “晩成”
Waza(1) = “P” & CStr(Nenreisa)
Case “安定”
Waza(1) = “S” & CStr(Nenreisa)
Case Else
Waza(1) = “V” & CStr(Nenreisa)
End Select

Select Case Karada(0)
Case “早熟”
Karada(1) = “K” & CStr(Nenreisa)
Case “普通”
Karada(1) = “N” & CStr(Nenreisa)
Case “晩成”
Karada(1) = “Q” & CStr(Nenreisa)
Case “安定”
Karada(1) = “T” & CStr(Nenreisa)
Case Else
Karada(1) = “W” & CStr(Nenreisa)
End Select

Kokoro(1) = Sheets(“設定表”).Range(Kokoro(1))
Waza(1) = Sheets(“設定表”).Range(Waza(1))
Karada(1) = Sheets(“設定表”).Range(Karada(1))

For i = 1 To 6
Col = 7
Col = Col + i

IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)

Avipoint = Cells(Low + 1, Col)

Call NouryokuUp(Waza(1), IntNoryoku, GetFrg, Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

Call NouryokuDown(Waza(1), IntNoryoku, GetFrg, Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

If MaxNoryoku < Cells(Low, Col) Then
MaxNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)
MaxIti = i
End If

If GetFrg = True Then
Cells(Low – 1, Col) = “”
GetFrg = False
End If

If Len(Cells(Low – 1, Col)) <> 0 Then
Cells(Low – 1, Col) = Get_Nouryoku(IntNoryoku)
End If

Next i

Col = Col – 6
IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col + MaxIti)
If MaxIti <> 1 Then
Cells(Low – 1, Col + MaxIti) = Get_Nouryoku(IntNoryoku)
End If

Select Case MaxIti
Case 1
Cells(Low + 1, 1) = “捕手”
Case 2
Cells(Low + 1, 1) = “ファースト”
Case 3
Cells(Low + 1, 1) = “セカンド”
Case 4
Cells(Low + 1, 1) = “サード”
Case 5
Cells(Low + 1, 1) = “ショート”
Case Else
Cells(Low + 1, 1) = “外野”
End Select

Col = Col + 7
GetFrg = False

Avipoint = Cells(Low + 1, Col)

IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)
Call NouryokuUp(Karada(1), IntNoryoku, GetFrg, Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)
Call NouryokuDown(Karada(1), IntNoryoku, GetFrg, Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

Cells(Low – 1, Col) = Get_Nouryoku(IntNoryoku)

Col = Col + 1

Avipoint = Cells(Low + 1, Col)

IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)
Call NouryokuUp(Waza(1), IntNoryoku, GetFrg, Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)
Call NouryokuDown(Waza(1), IntNoryoku, GetFrg, Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

Cells(Low – 1, Col) = Get_Nouryoku(IntNoryoku)

Col = Col + 1

Avipoint = Cells(Low + 1, Col)

IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)
Call NouryokuUp(Kokoro(1), IntNoryoku, GetFrg, Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)
Call NouryokuDown(Kokoro(1), IntNoryoku, GetFrg, Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

Cells(Low – 1, Col) = Get_Nouryoku(IntNoryoku)

Col = Col + 1

Avipoint = Cells(Low + 1, Col)

IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)
Call NouryokuUp(Kokoro(1), IntNoryoku, GetFrg, Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)
Call NouryokuDown(Kokoro(1), IntNoryoku, , Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

Cells(Low – 1, Col) = Get_Nouryoku(IntNoryoku)

Col = Col + 1

Avipoint = Cells(Low + 1, Col)

IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)
Call NouryokuUp(Karada(1), IntNoryoku, GetFrg, Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)
Call NouryokuDown(Karada(1), IntNoryoku, GetFrg, Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

‘能力値決定 体力のみ+20
IntNoryoku = IntNoryoku + 20
Cells(Low – 1, Col) = Get_Nouryoku(IntNoryoku)

Col = Col + 1

Avipoint = Cells(Low + 1, Col)

IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)
Call NouryokuUp(Waza(1), IntNoryoku, GetFrg, Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)
Call NouryokuDown(Waza(1), IntNoryoku, GetFrg, Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

If Right(BStyle, 1) = “S” Then
IntNoryoku = IntNoryoku + 10
End If
Cells(Low – 1, Col) = Get_Nouryoku(IntNoryoku)

Col = Col + 1

Avipoint = Cells(Low + 1, Col)

IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)
Call NouryokuUp(Karada(1), IntNoryoku, GetFrg, Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)
Call NouryokuDown(Karada(1), IntNoryoku, GetFrg, Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

If Right(BStyle, 1) = “P” Then
IntNoryoku = IntNoryoku + 10
End If
Cells(Low – 1, Col) = Get_Nouryoku(IntNoryoku)

Col = Col + 1

Avipoint = Cells(Low + 1, Col)

IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)
Call NouryokuUp(Kokoro(1), IntNoryoku, GetFrg, Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)
Call NouryokuDown(Kokoro(1), IntNoryoku, , Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

If Right(BStyle, 1) = “P” Then
IntNoryoku = IntNoryoku + 5
End If
Cells(Low – 1, Col) = Get_Sinrai(IntNoryoku, BStyle)
Col = Col + 1

Avipoint = Cells(Low + 1, Col)

IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)
Call NouryokuUp(Kokoro(1), IntNoryoku, GetFrg, Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)
Call NouryokuDown(Kokoro(1), IntNoryoku, , Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

If Right(BStyle, 1) = “S” Then
IntNoryoku = IntNoryoku + 5
End If
Cells(Low – 1, Col) = Get_KillLeft(IntNoryoku, BStyle)

Col = Col + 1

Avipoint = Cells(Low + 1, Col)

IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)
Call NouryokuUp(Waza(1), IntNoryoku, GetFrg, Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

IntNoryoku = Cells(Low, Col)
Call NouryokuDown(Waza(1), IntNoryoku, GetFrg, Avipoint)
Cells(Low, Col) = IntNoryoku

Cells(Low – 1, Col) = Get_Daritu(Cells(Low, Col))

Col = Col – 21
Cells(Low – 1, Col) = (Cells(Low – 1, Col)) + 1
If Cells(Low – 1, Col) >= 50 Then
GetFrg = True
End If

Col = Col + 21
If GetFrg = True Then
Cells(Low – 1, Col + 1) = “退団”

For i = 1 To 6
Cells(Low – 1, Col + i – 16) = “”
Next i

Select Case k
Case Is <= 16
Cells(Low – 1, Col + 1) = “1軍”
Cells(Low, Col + 1) = k
Case Is <= 34
Cells(Low – 1, Col + 1) = “2軍”
Cells(Low, Col + 1) = k
Case Is <= 39
Cells(Low – 1, Col + 1) = “外人”
Cells(Low, Col + 1) = k
Case Else
Cells(Low – 1, Col + 1) = “新人”
Cells(Low, Col + 1) = k
End Select
End If
Next j

End If

Next k

Exit Function
MsgBox err.Description
Resume Next

End Function




成長に関わる 能力アップ・ダウンと






Public Function NouryokuUp(mode As String, ByRef UpNoryoku As Integer, Optional ByRef GetFrg = False, Optional ByVal Avipoint As Byte = 0) As Integer

Dim ch As Byte

Select Case mode
Case “S”
NouryokuUp = Sheets(“設定表”).Range(“T33”)
Case “A”
NouryokuUp = Sheets(“設定表”).Range(“T34”)
Case “B”
NouryokuUp = Sheets(“設定表”).Range(“T35”)
Case “C”
NouryokuUp = Sheets(“設定表”).Range(“T36”)
Case “D”
NouryokuUp = Sheets(“設定表”).Range(“T37”)
Case “E”
NouryokuUp = Sheets(“設定表”).Range(“T38”)
Case Else
NouryokuUp = Sheets(“設定表”).Range(“T39”)
End Select

NouryokuUp = NouryokuUp – (5 + Avipoint)

If (NouryokuUp + Avipoint) >= 95 Then
NouryokuUp = 95
End If

If (NouryokuUp + Avipoint) <= 5 Then
NouryokuUp = 5
End If

Do While NouryokuUp > Saikoro(100)

If UpNoryoku <= 245 Then
ch = Saikoro(10)
Select Case ch
Case 3, 7
UpNoryoku = UpNoryoku + 1 + (Saikoro(2))
Case Else
UpNoryoku = UpNoryoku + 1
End Select
End If

End Function

Public Function NouryokuDown(mode As String, ByRef DownNoryoku As Integer, Optional ByRef GetFrg = False, Optional ByVal Avipoint As Integer = 0) As Integer

Dim ch As Byte

If DownNoryoku <= 10 Then
Exit Function
End If

Select Case mode
Case “S”
NouryokuDown = Sheets(“設定表”).Range(“U33”)
Case “A”
NouryokuDown = Sheets(“設定表”).Range(“U34”)
Case “B”
NouryokuDown = Sheets(“設定表”).Range(“U35”)
Case “C”
NouryokuDown = Sheets(“設定表”).Range(“U36”)
Case “D”
NouryokuDown = Sheets(“設定表”).Range(“U37”)
Case “E”
NouryokuDown = Sheets(“設定表”).Range(“U38”)
Case Else
NouryokuDown = Sheets(“設定表”).Range(“U39”)
End Select

NouryokuDown = NouryokuDown + (5 – Avipoint)

If (NouryokuDown + Avipoint) >= 95 Then
NouryokuDown = 95
End If

If (NouryokuDown + Avipoint) <= 5 Then
NouryokuDown = 5
End If

Do While NouryokuDown > Saikoro(100)
If DownNoryoku > 10 Then

ch = Saikoro(10)
Select Case ch
Case 3, 7
DownNoryoku = DownNoryoku – 1 – (Saikoro(2))
Case Else
DownNoryoku = DownNoryoku – 1
End Select
GetFrg = True
End If

End Function

Public Function 年齢加算(PBi As String)

Dim j As Byte
Dim i As Byte
Dim ii As Byte
Dim k As Byte
Dim ID As Integer

Dim Low As Byte
Dim Col As Byte
Dim colcol As Byte
Dim Stat(30) As String
Dim PBJ As String

For j = 0 To 1

Low = 1
Col = 2

If j = 0 Then
PBJ = PBi & “_野手”
ii = 29
colcol = 24 + 3
PBJ = PBi & “_投手”
ii = 29
colcol = 16 + 3
End If

For i = 0 To ii
Low = Low + 2

If Cells(Low, Col) > 1 Then
Cells(Low, Col) = Cells(Low, Col) + 1
Stat(i) = Cells(Low – 1, colcol – 3)

End If
Next i

Next j

End Function




プログラム を 動かして 確認する。

これで 初期の野手選手(成長後)のデータを作る準備が出来上がりました。


開発画面、一番下のイミティエイト ウィンドウ に


と打ち込んで ENTER キーを打ち込めば


⇓ 前回作成した 選手データ(16歳)



どうですか? 少しは成長してますね。



1番目の選手 永野 千代美さん

16歳ではショート だったのが 27歳でサードにコンバートされてます。



このツールでは、毎年能力成長判定で最高の守備力値の場所が メインポジションとなります。







⇐前の記事 【目次】 次の記事⇒





ベストプレープロ野球 ソフトのお求めは⇓の画像から(Win,GBA,PS2)

